Reaching Our Neighbors with the Gospel

In God’s providence, I ended up having a good spiritual conversation with another neighbor whom I then invited to church—all because I showed up with evangelistic intent at a place where my neighbors were gathered. 

The Foundation of Discipleship is Strengthening Families

In the grand tapestry of God’s design, family stands as the cornerstone of discipleship. Long before the establishment of the church, the family unit was instituted by God Himself as the primary vessel for nurturing faith, shaping character, and passing on His truth from one generation to the next. Today, I want to delve into…

Embracing the Warmth of Advent

In the expansive landscapes of Oklahoma, where the prairie meets the sky, we find a unique backdrop for our Christmas celebrations.

All Souls Day: Cherishing the Faithful Departed in Christ

As November unfolds, we find ourselves in a season of reflection and remembrance. For many, All Souls Day holds a special place in their hearts—a day to honor and celebrate the lives of those who’ve left an indelible mark on our faith journey. While this observance may not be a customary practice within Southern Baptist…


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